
Philanthropic Focus

We help analyse the social needs, socio-economic contexts and different intervention models at national and international levels, to identify and define a philanthropic vision. One that aligns with the family’s values and promotes what they are passionate about, empowering them to have a positive impact on society.

Mapping and Accountability

Selection of non-profit entities and projects via the AIFO Philanthropy Standard © method. This follows an ex-ante evaluation process of publicly available information and is based on interviews and analysis of daily operational activities. Supervision and feedback on activities is essential to ensure the most appropriate use of resources for each initiative, and the consequent social impact.

Legal Structures

Family Strategy assist in examining the variables that impact the choice of philanthropic projects.  This must consider individual sensitivities, the degree of family involvement and the wealth allocated to a philanthropic project, ranging from pure philanthropy to impact investing.



Philanthropic endeavours disburse a total of 9.1 billion euros a year in Italy. According to estimates by the Ernop (European Research Network on Philanthropy), only the United Kingdom (25.3 billion) and Germany (23.8 billion) distribute a greater amount.

Approximately 4.6 billion euros of Italian donations come from individuals. Foundations account for 1.5 billion euros (roughly about 1 billion from banking foundations and 500 million from business foundations), with the remainder coming from private wills and bequests, company disbursements and other informal donations.

Philanthropic Focus

Analysing the social needs, socio-economic contexts and different intervention models at national and international levels, in order to identify and define a philanthropic vision. One that aligns with the family’s values and promotes what they want to express through a program of giving. This aids in the development of a new economic system capable of combining innovation, integration and sustainability, with the help of enabling technologies.

Mapping and Accountability

Philanthropy is more than just giving. It is about empowering entities with the resources to innovate and better confront the increasing intensification of historic and emerging social needs. It means selecting projects and initiatives with the resilience to withstand macro-economic disruption and investing the necessary funds to optimise the organisation from a structural, financial and administrative perspective. This strengthens operational capacity and widens the scope for potential greater impact on society.

Family Strategy helps to select non-profit entities and projects using the AIFO Philanthropy Standard © method. This applies an ex-ante evaluation process of publicly available information, based on interviews and analysis of daily operational activities. An initial mapping process generates a report offering immediate insight into an organisation’s performance levels with a breakdown of the individual areas. This provides donors with an invaluable tool to conduct targeted analyses of the underperforming areas and to develop strategies for improvement.

AIFO Philanthropy Standard©

AIFO Philanthropy Standard © is the methodology Family Strategy employs to conduct qualitative and quantitative data analysis. It focuses on seven key areas (divided into 76 KPIs), which outline the capacity of an organisation to make an impact and request third party capital investment.

Consideration of social impact elements is reinforced by an examination of sustainable development plans, an assessment of the human and relational organisational capital, and the desire for transparency around procedural accountability, selection criteria and results. This methodology has been applied to projects of varied size and scope. It enables organisations to measure themselves on their degree of transparency towards donors, and actively initiate processes for improvement.

The tools for patient capital

Legal Structures

Family Strategy helps examine the many variables that impact the selection of philanthropic projects to support. Any choice must consider individual sensitivities, the degree of family involvement and the wealth allocated to a philanthropic project, ranging from pure philanthropy to impact investing.


Road to Philanthropy affronta come innovare l’approccio filantropico in un contesto in cui appaiono sempre più chiare le emergenze sociali, sanitarie, educative di lungo periodo che si manifesteranno in seguito a Covid19. Ne abbiamo parlato con:

Daniele Narduzzi – Founder, BeHonest società benefit Srl
Come controllare gli indicatori di qualità degli enti filantropici
Monica De Paoli – Notaio, Milano Notai
Come la normativa del Terzo Settore modifica l’approccio filantropico
Stefano Mach, Dario Mangilli – Impact SIM SpA
Come un modello di business può coniugare profitto e attività filantropica
Giulio Litta Modignani – Presidente, Filantropia Attiva Italiana
Come costruire un fondo filantropico presso enti di intermediazione
Martino Cortese – CEO, Citybility società benefit Srl
Come organizzare su scala nazionale un progetto filantropico

L’incontro ha permesso ai presenti di conoscere sia i processi decisionali sia le implicazioni emotive in grado di caratterizzare i comportamenti dei Grandi Donatori in ambito filantropico. Si è approfondito altresì quale sia il ruolo degli advisor nella consulenza filantropica. Il percorso è stato condotto dalla Prof. Beth Breeze, cofondatrice e direttrice del Center for Philanthropy dell’Università del Kent, dove svolge ricerca scientifica e insegna filantropia. Nella sua carriera è stata ricercatrice e fundraiser per diversi enti filantropici, diventando vicedirettore presso l’Institute for Philanthropy di Londra.

La crescita della venture philanthropy e degli investimenti sociali viene spesso definita come una rivoluzione nei paradigmi della filantropia. Questo fenomeno supera i classici modelli a scopo filantropico, per orientare verso un approccio in logica di investimento su iniziative imprenditoriali che generano impatto sociale e/o ambientale.
Hanno condiviso le proprie esperienze con noi:
Elena Casolari – Presidente Esecutivo di Opes Impact Fund, Presidente Comitato Investimento Opes-Lcef
Matteo Bartolomeo – Amministratore Delegato di Make a Cube
Davide Dal Maso – Partner di Avanzi Sostenibilità per azioni, Presidente di Social Value Italia

I Donor Advised Fund (DAF) sono il veicolo filantropico che sta crescendo più rapidamente negli Stati Uniti, e che ormai supera di almeno tre volte il numero delle fondazioni private. Spesso creati tramite trust, sono fondi che gestiscono allocazioni rilevanti per erogare risorse a enti non profit.
Hanno condiviso le proprie esperienze con noi:
Avv. Roberto Randazzo, Partner di R&P Legal, Docente al Politecnico di Milano di Social Innovation, ESELA
Nicola Corti, Consigliere Delegato di Fondazione Italia per il dono onlus

I lasciti testamentari a favore di enti non profit crescono come modalità di donazione in Italia. Allo stesso tempo però cresce anche il desiderio del donatore di essere personalmente coinvolto nei progetti filantropici che supporta e vivere il proprio contributo per iniziative a impatto sociale. Ha condiviso le proprie esperienze con noi:
Monica De Paoli, Notaio a Milano Notai ,Vice Presidente dell’Accademia del Notariato, membro della Commissione Enti non profit del Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato, Vice Presidente del Consiglio di Indirizzo della Fondazione Italia per il dono Onlus.


Responsible: Michela Guicciardi
